Friday, May 1, 2009

Mumbai Defies Jaago Re! And comes up with Bhaago Re!

For a good 6 months an arrogant young man caught people in public to shame them into voting. Jaago Re was his constant rant!
Jaago Re, Jaago Re, Jaago Re!
Newspapers dedicated reams to convince people to exercise their Right to Vote!

30th April was the date fixed by the Election Commission for India’s Economical Hub and its satellite towns to come out and exercise their franchise. One was given the leeway to come anytime between 7.00 AM to 5.00 PM and vote. Thursday was even declared a Holiday to make the process even more convenient for the Mumbaikars.

But did the Mumbaikars go the Jaago Re Way?

Well they got up all right (some earlier than usual in spite of it being a holiday) but not to vote; instead they chose to embark upon a leisure trip, finding the four day weekend to tempting to resist!

Voter awareness campaigns and heart-rending tragedies not with-standing,
Couldn’t–Care- Less Mumbai choose to dishonour their fundamental Right and Duty!
The hypocritical bunch of senseless, unpatriotic, self-obsessed losers had common run-of the mill excuses;

1. It is so hot!!!

I gather that they possibly have the power to switch off the heat while engaged in their mindless, wasteful pursuits of pleasure!

2. My Vote doesn’t count, it won’t make a difference!!!

Well did you ever try to understand the meaning of the pithy saying, “…many small drops make up the ocean…”; while educating your children or advising your friends!

When 10 terrorists sailed to Mumbai and ostentatiously murdered more than 200 innocents on 26th November, 2008;

You Cried Injustice!
You Blamed the Indian Political System!
You Held the Authorities Responsible!

Candle light vigils and Protest marches were organized like nobody’s business. A metropolitan giant exalted that it has finally awoken! It asserted that it has now become enlightened about it’s rights and duties. It claimed that it now understood what it deserves and what it is getting in return!

Was all this pretence? A chimera created by the collective excitement generated by an overpowering tragedy that caught us unawares and totally helpless?

Friends yesterday the voting turn-out of Mumbai was the lowest in the last four general elections at 41.3%. South Mumbai, the constituency where everyone expected spirited voting following the terror attacks of 26/11 and where people made the maximum noise about governance – recorded just 40.3 %, a turnout that is even less than 2004! Mumbai South-Central (my constituency)recorded a dismal 39.6%

After all that has happened in the last few months, after all the eloquent statements made by us, after all those protest marches, the least we could have done was to make use of the one tool in our hands to effect a difference!

The ballot was the one opportunity where we could have changed the administration which failed us (personal view) and made sure that the right people make the decisions for us in the future.

I am proud to say that I honoured my Right and Duty to Vote! I am also proud that many of my friends and relatives did the same. We have exams in a few days but that did not stop us from doing our bit for the country.

I despise those who considered other matters more important than VOTE and I loath their immature and unpatriotic attitude!

On the other hand there were a few who took the effort to register and make it to the polling booth but couldn’t exercise their franchise due to reasons beyond their control. I know you feel terrible but it was not your fault. And compared to the self-obsessed narrow minded infidels, your heart and soul is in the right place! So make it a point to ensure you are not disenfranchised in the future.

DEMOCRACY is a Government

OF the People,
BY the People and
FOR the People!

But to succeed these “people” need to be politically conscious and must recognize their Rights and Duties! Although vigilant about our Rights when it concerns us, we conveniently forget our Duties towards our nation. If we cannot be responsible Citizens of India we cannot accept our system to be anything other than a farce! And then please do not glorify your double standards by coming out only to complain !