Friday, October 10, 2008

Writing Nightmare...Literally

Evil, Devil, Sinful, Wicked, Criminal, Nefarious, Depraved, Iniquitous, Pernicious...

Alright Guys and Gals you don't need a dictionary nor those filthy little things called flash cards - which have now become a yardstick to measure your chances of flying to ('Oh... I am losing my Money which I never really had') America. As I was saying, all these words are really easy to understand, comprehend and then remember if you happen to know our math professor! Yes, this person is the epitome of all the above adjectives!

Over the last night I have burned the midnight oil, left no stone unturned, to finish what everybody calls a ASSignment. Man I have written so much that I feel I have become a sort of Human Printer...HP should start a new series...

Vaidya Series!...Fast printers to solve all your ASSignment troubles...Just provide all the material and it will be copied word to word, letter to letter, angle to angle to angle, line to line, etc as fast as lightning.

The only solace was my little iPod which dutifully kept playing songs to keep me company in those unearthly hours! Last night's playlist on my iPod contained a staggering 111 songs...ok Dickie Bird can do his dance (the English umpire and not my dear friend mind you) for reasons known to him alone (I doubt whether he is aware of the reason himself). Even the ghosts were afraid of me yesterday night. They told me that they were previously of the opinion that Humans don't really exist and are only a fictional creation to scare them. But now I have removed their doubts. They were petrified. I tried inquiring whether they knew of someone amongst them who taught at VJTI but they answered in the negative. They said the only person they know is Ram Gopal Verma, the comedian.

I think my fingers and my arms emit a weird mechanical sound every time they start to write. They must ban this torture. This is worst than third degree torture. It is more like a 14,567 degree torture. Apply this to Abu Salem or anyone equally (in)famous and they will be blurting out all the secrets and all the information you need! And it does not end here...Part two was officially launched today!

I really wonder how much paper, ink, pencil carbon(it is not lead-plumbum), etc. we waste in our four years of Engineering! Collect all this stuff ( journal, assignment, tutorial) of this college and distribute it amongst the US Banks. They will make an amazing amount of money out of scrap(Raddi) and they wont need a 700 billion dollar bail-out!

HaHa Ha - Why so serious!

1 comment:

priya amrute said...

atleast by the end of four years they should return our raddi...its absolutely ours