Monday, December 21, 2009

What an SMS conveys?

Hello Friends, I am sure everyone of you sms-es! If you don't, go wash your face and get a life!

Well I was sitting the other day, doing nothing, my usual occupation when I got an sms! And then I started to classify the people on the type of sms they send...

Here's my list...

1. The Purists

Now these are part of a species who believe in typing their messages with the correct spellings, grammer punctuation. Their sms even have paragraphs with indents!Crazy people yaar...but they are now extinct. If you come across one surviving member please introduce me!

2.The Marlon Brando or Amitabh (before Paa).

Discretion is their forte! Their words are few and the letters used to express even fewer. Its like a telegraph compared to a letter.


Ameya: "Hey man congratulations! Awsum score yaar! 1500/1600 with 800 in Quant, kya baat hain! Abhi toh u will fly naa? To America! Good show buddy! So Happy for you! Congrats once again!"

Reply: Ty

What the hell! 'Ty'. Thankyou ki Thanks yaar! Aur kuch nahi! They either really are at loss of words or they can't type! God save them! Break out of the mould! Express yourselves. Don't be so bovine!

3.'TC' category!

TC == Take Care, Tak Car, Take Careeeeeeeee, etc..

These people have each and every message ending with TC!
Its like a signature!


Ameya: "Hey! Hello! Hows u? How have you been?"

Reply: "I am fine. Wat abt u? Tc"

Ameya: "I am also see you was ur class test?"

Reply: "Test was decent. I was in quad only. Wer were you? Tc."

Ameya: "U were busy! No time to meet friends! Wat do u mean in quad? I was der too!"

Reply: "No re....TC"

Note the replies are getting shorter and always end with TC

With no offence to anyone...this can mean any of the following...

1.I really Need to TAKE CARE! Something is seriously wrong with me

2.TC actually equals "Ok.Fine. Now dont trouble me" Then say so directly!

3.I am addicted to TC! Then go to Rehab! Never overuse a word if u dont mean it!

Thank god none of my friends or enemies fall in this category! Few are close to it mind you!

4. The Crazy People!

Now we have crazy nuts everywhere!


Ameya: "Dude whats come into you? Why are u so sad and forlorn? Kuch bolli kya woh?"

Reply: "Sachin will score a century today"

Ameya: "Wat????? R u mad? I am asking about ur 'Cardiac Problem' and u r talking about tendulkar!!!!!!?????"

Reply: "do u know that The complementary colour of yellow is purple!"

Ameya: "Abbe bhootnike! Kya ho gaya hain be tereko? Do chammat du kya?"

Reply: "Yes the song Kwaja Mere Kwhaja is really good! I agree"

Ameya: "Ok. U have lost it! Man u have really lost ur marbles!"

Just one word to describe them! Freak!

5.The scary bunch!

These people scare the hell out of me! To a question their reply is odd and apocalyptic!

sample this:

Ameya: "Hey i hope alls well! The misunderstandings are part of life...Hope you are not Mad?"

Reply: " :)"

The people who answer thus, with only a smiley scare me. If u watched "Child's Play" or "Dead Silence" then you will understand! They remind me of those dolls in the movies who go about killing people! I really freak out! If u havent watched the movie, Google the name and look at the images. Its really scary!

6.The 'shortform' dudes and dudettes!

These people have no other business than making up new short forms for simple english words! And they make my life Hell! Arre baba simple englih, marathi, hindi mein bollo!

It took me a week to understand that b4 is 'before', 4tune is 'fortune', 4wrd is 'forward'!

And I was so worried that a couldn't understand when a friend said 'mi nehmi v4 karun bolte!"

What was she saying? Wat does she mean 'v4'? Will some one please explain!
Then i understood...v4 is v and char(4 in marathi) which means vichar or thinking!!!!

Poor me! Am i a dumb yodel or what?

More crazy short-forms:

ayor : at your own risk

asl: age, sex,location...This one floored me

hand : have a nice day! I thought u want my hand!

eod : End of discussion! I thought tom is Eid!

e2eg : ear to ear grin! I thought its a new Android in Star Wars!


Ameya: "Well actually I have a exam tom!"

Reply: "lol!"

Ameya: "how rude! why did u laugh??????"

Reply: "Arre baba its not lol its lol. as in Lots of Luck and not Laugh out Loud!"

Ameya: "How would i know. anyways thanks a ton..or tat!"


btw lol also means "loads of love". But i havent gotten 'this' load yet :P.

So people.....Comment...Tell me if you have more categories! And in what Category u classify me!!!! Cheers! Tace Kare (I mean Take Care) :)

God Help!

Here is another film from the YashRaj Stable! Starring the amazing Uday Chopra and Priyanka! Amazing because I always wondered who told Uday that he can be an actor and Amazing again because Miss Chopra keeps getting Hotter!

Alright coming back to the subject...its a song "Pyaar Impossible" which has aroused strong emotions within me!

The film is about Nerd + Beauty == Pyaar Impossible!
This is the simplest Mathematical Equation i have come across in 12 years of schooling and 3.5 years of engineering. And i am sure anything in the last sem wont be able to beat this!

I advise you better watch the song first (if u can muster the courage) and then read this, OR read this, then watch the song (again if you aren't pusillanimous) and then recollect this!

Only then you can sympathize with me!

The song shows Miss Priyanka shun her decollete tops and hot pants and instead put on baggy clothes and a pair of spectacles. Trying to persuade Mr.Uday that.."Hey Even, 'Dhapne' Boys (bespectacled for the uninitiated) in Full Sleeves are capable of falling in LOVE and Being LOVED!"

I sincerely applaud this gesture on part of the film makers to give my brethren some hope. Remember even I am a "Dhapnya" although not a "NERD"!

But the point of contention here is the singing or the nasal fortissimo on offer!

It is like Himesh and Janice(from FRIENDS) doing a duet! God it is torture! Why do they enjoy exercising their nasal muscles so much!

While hearing, a painful tickle started in my nose and rendered me breathless. This then proceeded to my ears and finally consumed my entire head! Third Degree Torture I say!

Oh No! Look its playing on Zoom for the 5th time in the past hour! God Help Me! Btw why am I watching Zoom simce the past one hour anyway?

Back to Blogging!

The author of this blog is back from the DEAD...

Ok,I know many of you are cursing, screeching, howling in anger wondering how this Stygian catastrophe came about....but sorry people, Its True!

I wonder if anyone really cares about the cause of my extended absence? But i shall proceed to explain disregarding your protests to stop...

I was busy chasing the 'CAT', DOG, HORSE, even the AMERICAN BLACK BEAR (GRE) and BISON, coz i thought that was the "cool" thing to do, was busy getting duped by Goldman Sachs, HP, CISCO, et all...

Ultimately, I was chased away by all these entities and finally had no option but to come back from the 'DEAD'....

aka Sherlock Holmes or Shahrukh Khan in Om Shanti Om...whichever you prefer :)