Monday, December 21, 2009

What an SMS conveys?

Hello Friends, I am sure everyone of you sms-es! If you don't, go wash your face and get a life!

Well I was sitting the other day, doing nothing, my usual occupation when I got an sms! And then I started to classify the people on the type of sms they send...

Here's my list...

1. The Purists

Now these are part of a species who believe in typing their messages with the correct spellings, grammer punctuation. Their sms even have paragraphs with indents!Crazy people yaar...but they are now extinct. If you come across one surviving member please introduce me!

2.The Marlon Brando or Amitabh (before Paa).

Discretion is their forte! Their words are few and the letters used to express even fewer. Its like a telegraph compared to a letter.


Ameya: "Hey man congratulations! Awsum score yaar! 1500/1600 with 800 in Quant, kya baat hain! Abhi toh u will fly naa? To America! Good show buddy! So Happy for you! Congrats once again!"

Reply: Ty

What the hell! 'Ty'. Thankyou ki Thanks yaar! Aur kuch nahi! They either really are at loss of words or they can't type! God save them! Break out of the mould! Express yourselves. Don't be so bovine!

3.'TC' category!

TC == Take Care, Tak Car, Take Careeeeeeeee, etc..

These people have each and every message ending with TC!
Its like a signature!


Ameya: "Hey! Hello! Hows u? How have you been?"

Reply: "I am fine. Wat abt u? Tc"

Ameya: "I am also see you was ur class test?"

Reply: "Test was decent. I was in quad only. Wer were you? Tc."

Ameya: "U were busy! No time to meet friends! Wat do u mean in quad? I was der too!"

Reply: "No re....TC"

Note the replies are getting shorter and always end with TC

With no offence to anyone...this can mean any of the following...

1.I really Need to TAKE CARE! Something is seriously wrong with me

2.TC actually equals "Ok.Fine. Now dont trouble me" Then say so directly!

3.I am addicted to TC! Then go to Rehab! Never overuse a word if u dont mean it!

Thank god none of my friends or enemies fall in this category! Few are close to it mind you!

4. The Crazy People!

Now we have crazy nuts everywhere!


Ameya: "Dude whats come into you? Why are u so sad and forlorn? Kuch bolli kya woh?"

Reply: "Sachin will score a century today"

Ameya: "Wat????? R u mad? I am asking about ur 'Cardiac Problem' and u r talking about tendulkar!!!!!!?????"

Reply: "do u know that The complementary colour of yellow is purple!"

Ameya: "Abbe bhootnike! Kya ho gaya hain be tereko? Do chammat du kya?"

Reply: "Yes the song Kwaja Mere Kwhaja is really good! I agree"

Ameya: "Ok. U have lost it! Man u have really lost ur marbles!"

Just one word to describe them! Freak!

5.The scary bunch!

These people scare the hell out of me! To a question their reply is odd and apocalyptic!

sample this:

Ameya: "Hey i hope alls well! The misunderstandings are part of life...Hope you are not Mad?"

Reply: " :)"

The people who answer thus, with only a smiley scare me. If u watched "Child's Play" or "Dead Silence" then you will understand! They remind me of those dolls in the movies who go about killing people! I really freak out! If u havent watched the movie, Google the name and look at the images. Its really scary!

6.The 'shortform' dudes and dudettes!

These people have no other business than making up new short forms for simple english words! And they make my life Hell! Arre baba simple englih, marathi, hindi mein bollo!

It took me a week to understand that b4 is 'before', 4tune is 'fortune', 4wrd is 'forward'!

And I was so worried that a couldn't understand when a friend said 'mi nehmi v4 karun bolte!"

What was she saying? Wat does she mean 'v4'? Will some one please explain!
Then i understood...v4 is v and char(4 in marathi) which means vichar or thinking!!!!

Poor me! Am i a dumb yodel or what?

More crazy short-forms:

ayor : at your own risk

asl: age, sex,location...This one floored me

hand : have a nice day! I thought u want my hand!

eod : End of discussion! I thought tom is Eid!

e2eg : ear to ear grin! I thought its a new Android in Star Wars!


Ameya: "Well actually I have a exam tom!"

Reply: "lol!"

Ameya: "how rude! why did u laugh??????"

Reply: "Arre baba its not lol its lol. as in Lots of Luck and not Laugh out Loud!"

Ameya: "How would i know. anyways thanks a ton..or tat!"


btw lol also means "loads of love". But i havent gotten 'this' load yet :P.

So people.....Comment...Tell me if you have more categories! And in what Category u classify me!!!! Cheers! Tace Kare (I mean Take Care) :)


Geetan said...

Vaidyaa..awesumm glad tht d author is back wid a bang..thnx for dis one..very informative(seriouslyy!!) it just confirms ur a lot into smsing..i am confused about my category( u can tell me better!!!)..keep up d gud work..

Ameya H Vaidya said...

thnx a ton Geet!

Well is shall categorize you in two categories

1.Crazy Kind :P
2.Sweetest Ppl!

Advait said...

arey best blog!!!

i know a certain "TC" customer... lolzz... a very smart female :P

kharach masta ahe...

priya amrute said...

hey...kool post!!!
i think i do fall into the "take care" category!!!

pigeonheadophobia said...

There are more categories...There are the ones who always send one sms extra compared to what u mustve sent in an entire sms convo.
I have many sub categories under the category of people who dont reply to your smses. If anybody is remotely interstd i can elaborate.

Ameya H Vaidya said...

wow sub catogories! yes I am interested! Share ur insights...

cool2srik1 said...

which category do i come in ??? tc

Mihir.. said...

nice post !.
i completely agree wid u on the TC does get very irritating..
here is a sample -
friend - hey mihir...all d best for ur exam tom..n TC..!
im like...wht TC..y do i need to TC in an exam...wht could possibly go so wrong in an exam tht ill need to TC.. m i gonna get food there gona b an attack..will the supervisor slap me..?? then y d hell shud i TC !!..
as for the categories..i would say thr is anothr category
the VASOOLI category - these ppl r those who send in jokes or forwards along with their msg in the same SMS.
nw its ur turn to temme which category i am in !!

Ameya H Vaidya said...

Well i understand u get irritated but ur reaction is more sort of vehement agitated frustration! Come on yaar the person was only expressing kindness and concern! No need to get so worked up dude!

Atleast u have some one who tells u to Take Care :)

@your category: "Phone nahi uthaya to kya? Atleast SMS ko Reply to kiya!"

Prasad Vaidya said...

Great post...sahi ahe always...very keen observation

yes there are two more categories of messengers which i fall into....and both of them are conspicuously absent from your post

about the take care part...i use it very very rarely only when i mean it...

Prasad Vaidya said...

there are actually three categories i belong to and which are conspicuously absent from the blogpost..

1. Those which expects a reply to an sms....

2. Those who do not forward msgs unnecessarily

3. Those who use the msgng length to the fullest

Anonymous said...

Eagerly awaiting Siddhi's thooghts on this!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Ameya H Vaidya said...

@Prasad: Even I expect a Reply to my sms's :P. Now we share more than our Surname!!!!!

@Nadkarni: siddhi has not obliged with her insights although the author showed interest! Hoping ur request is honoured :P

Hardik Kothare said...

do ppl actually fall in the 4th category????? can't blv...n Priya definitely falls in the Take Care (laughing out loud)
and who the hell asked u for ur ASL?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ppl do that in online dating chatrooms! what have u been up to?

Siddhi said...

people who do not reply to your smses fall into the following categories: ( There could be more categories and some of them might not necessarily be mutually exclusive)

1) people who have a genuine reason for not replying to your sms- fr instance..was attending a family function and it completely slipped out of my mind

2)the kanjoos kinds..self explanatory
They wait untill they come ol so that they can send free smses via the plethora of options available

3)the inexplicable kinds- This is my favourite (Ahem)- they never send a reply. So expecting one is a mistake on your part.They will not send a reply even if your sms said something like..I am a only a few seconds away from ending my life..I only texted to say goodbye ,forever

4)Some people call back when you send an sms even if you dint ask them to.

There could be more i guess.

Some people have to be sent an extra sms to remind them that they have not replied.

Then there are those who waste an entire sms to send 'K'
or worse- a smiley!

(priya does not fall into the take care category although each one of her smses ends with a take care.)

Unknown said...

this is one of da best articles i've read!!!never knew lol cud have soooo many interpretations!!!!Shall be careful frm nw on!

Ameya H Vaidya said...

@Shivani: Thank a lot! :)

Rum.B said...

hii..awesum..all caps (all capitals bole toh i want 2 emphasise).. i do fall in TC category.. as far as i m concernd dat TC..means its my last msg..dont reply nw!!
n i "LOL" over d 'v4'.. luvd it!! keep it up

Ameya H Vaidya said...

Thank a Ton Rama! Finally you read and commented.... :P

Glad you liked the post